Jyoti Amge (born December 16, 1993), a resident of Nagpur, India, is currently the world's smallest girl according to the Limca Book of Records. She has a growth anomaly, that has restricted her height to 23 inches (58 cm), and her weight to 11 pounds (5.25 kg).
Sister Rupali n Archana
Brother: Satish
Mother: Ranjana Amge
Father: Kishan
Brother: Satish
Mother: Ranjana Amge
Father: Kishan
Jyoti is smallest than the average two-year-old child. Doctors say she has a form of dwarfism called achondroplasia and she will not get longer than its current height in future.
She wears dresses and jewelry especially made for her. She has a tiny bed of her own and uses special plates and cutlery to eat. Despite of her smaller size, she says that she is happy with her smaller size.
She is going to a regular school in Nagpur, Central India where she is given her own smallestdesk and chair. She is happy because her classmates deal her like other normal students. Jyoti has her own mini grey uniform and school bag. She looks just like a doll among other teenage class fellows.
She says:
“When I was three I realized that I was different to rest of kids” she said:
“I thought that everyone was bigger and I should get bigger too”.
She says there are many people in the world that are dwarf like me. She says I am same just as other people. I eat like you and dream like you. I don’t feel any difference and don’t want to be treated differently.
Smallest girl Jyoti wants to be an actress. Despite of her tinniest size, she wants to live normal life. She says, “When I first went to school everyone was so big I used to get scared but I am ok now. I like it. I have a different desk and chair that were specially designed for me. I’m a normal student. She works from her custom made chair and table but her pen and books are still too big for her.
During her first five years of life, she feel constantly sick but eventually she grew stronger.
She is same like other teenage girls as she has a large collection of dresses. She says I like to shop for me. She loves makeup and dressing up like beautiful models. She has a dream to do films. People in the region of India where the family lives flock to see the teenager Jyoti and some people treat her as a Goddess. You all are requested to pay her for happiness and long life.
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Good to know she is from Nagpur... Look at her school bag that she carries along with her :)